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Level Up Your Prospecting Game With PlanFees

PlanFees helps successful 401(k) advisors “benchmark better” and mitigate fiduciary risk. But you can also use our suite of innovative benchmarking tools to “prospect better,” nurture leads and build your professional practice. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

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Lady justice statue on a desk with a person writing on a document

Not All Excessive Fee Cases Are 401(k) Lawsuits

Held by schools and other tax-exempt organizations, 403(b)s used to be highly dissimilar to 401(k)s — with fewer rules and requirements. And by far, the majority of high-profile excessive-fee lawsuits have targeted 401(k)s. But a recent suit against Northeastern University’s 403(b) is a strong reminder that all retirement accounts mandated under ERISA to keep fees reasonable are at risk. 

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Fees and Fiduciary Duty

Plan fiduciaries have many important responsibilities to uphold. And they must act solely in the interest of participants and their beneficiaries. To that end, they have to prudently manage investments, administer the plan properly, monitor service providers and much more. 

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Hand about to bang gavel on sounding block in the court room

Retirement Plan Service Provider Faces ERISA Lawsuit

Mutual of America, an insurance company that also provides services in the small-plan marketplace, has found itself in the crosshairs of an ERISA lawsuit alleging a breach of its duties of loyalty and prudence to plan participants. The plaintiffs charge that they were subject to excessive fees as a result of the company’s adoption of its own proprietary closed-architecture recordkeeping platform. The system, they allege, caused participants to pay annual administrative fees roughly 10 times what they would have if the plan had researched and engaged a third-party recordkeeper to perform comparable (or even better) services.

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When Higher Fees May Be Justified

Due to the recent uptick in 401(k) lawsuits, it could be easy to assume that the best course of action is to always obtain the lowest possible fees across the board. But at the crux of these legal actions is the supposition that fees are too high for services provided. What’s considered reasonable isn’t a set dollar amount, and a reasonable fee might not have to be the lowest available, depending on the details and needs of a plan. Here are some instances where higher fees may, in fact, be justifiable.


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